Pretty Girls歌词 歌手Britney SpearsIggy Azalea-专辑Pretty Girls-单曲《Pretty Girls》LRC歌词下载

纸鸢栀年2021-12-01  118

导读:《Pretty Girls》歌词 歌手Britney SpearsIggy Azalea的专辑Pretty Girls单曲《Pretty Girls》LRC歌词下载,《Pretty Girls》歌词分享。…

Pretty Girls歌词 歌手Britney Spears / Iggy Azalea-专辑Pretty Girls-单曲《Pretty Girls》LRC歌词下载

歌曲:《Pretty Girls》
歌手:Britney Spears / Iggy Azalea
专辑:Pretty Girls

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《Pretty Girls》歌词:

[00:00.000] [00:01.820]All around the world [00:03.590]Pretty girls [00:04.810]Wipe the floor with all the boys [00:07.080]Pour the drinks [00:08.210]Bring the noise [00:09.150](It's Iggy Iggz) [00:09.850]We're just so pretty! [00:10.910] [00:11.310]All around the world [00:12.930]Pretty girls [00:14.050]Jump the line [00:15.170]To the front [00:16.100]Do what we like [00:17.280]Get what we want Where you at, Brit [00:19.190]We're just so pretty [00:20.000] [00:20.400]Hey [00:21.210]Don't you know it's always the same [00:23.590]From Australia 'round to LA [00:25.970]You can betcha where ever the girls go boys follow [00:30.350]We be keepin' them up on their toes [00:32.930]They can laugh but they don't get the jokes [00:35.220]Just you watch they're so predicable [00:37.450](some things don't change) [00:39.370] [00:39.810]Girls roll up [00:40.910]Windows roll down [00:42.040]Eyes on us [00:43.220]Jaws on the ground [00:44.330]Watch them go [00:45.440]It's all so funny [00:46.770]Like bees to the honey! [00:47.930] [00:48.330]All around the world [00:50.120]Pretty girls [00:51.300]Wipe the floor with all the boys [00:53.660]Pour the drinks [00:54.770]Bring the noise [00:56.380]We're just so pretty! [00:57.630] [00:57.840]All around the world [00:59.500]Pretty girls [01:00.750]Jump the line [01:01.850]To the front [01:02.730]Do what we like [01:03.830]Get what we want [01:05.760]We're just so pretty [01:06.640] [01:07.040]Tell me [01:07.990]Is it true that these men are from Mars? [01:10.150]Is that why they actin' bizarre? [01:12.450]Everytime I walk out of my house it's like "hey baby" [01:17.300]They don't see me rolling my eyes [01:19.680]They're buzzing around me like flies [01:22.160]They got one thing on their minds [01:24.020](some things don't change) [01:25.900] [01:26.300]Girls roll up [01:27.440]Windows roll down [01:28.660]Eyes on us [01:29.770]Jaws on the ground [01:30.910]Watch them go [01:31.900]It's all so funny [01:33.410]Like bees to the honey! [01:34.600] [01:35.000]All around the world [01:36.730]Pretty girls [01:37.880]Wipe the floor with all the boys [01:40.250]Pour the drinks [01:41.430]Bring the noise [01:42.960]We're just so pretty! [01:44.010] [01:44.310]All around the world [01:46.110]Pretty girls [01:47.250]Jump the line [01:48.400]To the front [01:49.320]Do what we like [01:50.530]Get what we want [01:52.310]We're just so pretty [01:53.710] [01:54.110]If you ask me I'm killin em softly [01:56.290]I would spend time with you but that'd cost me [01:58.210]They pray that Iggy Iggy give 'em one more chance [02:00.310]But B's n Iggy wouldn't even give 'em one more glance [02:02.700]See, enter in line between the beauty and a beast [02:05.090]Slim waist thick cake [02:06.230]The whole world want a piece [02:07.420]Bad girl good would make you lose your mind [02:09.640]While all the boys beggin' Britney hit'em one more time [02:12.260]Ow! [02:13.910]Iggs [02:19.570]What's up Britney? [02:20.770]Uh-ha [02:21.250] [02:21.650]All around the world [02:23.370]Pretty girls [02:24.580]Wipe the floor with all the boys [02:26.930]Pour the drinks [02:28.020]Bring the noise [02:29.670]We're just so pretty! [02:30.720] [02:31.020]All around the world [02:32.730]Pretty girls [02:35.020]Jump the line, to the front [02:37.030]Do what we like, get what we want ,We're just so pretty [by:刘玄明童鞋] [00:01.820]魅惑全球 [00:03.590]热辣女孩 [00:04.810]让男孩们俯首称臣 [00:07.080]美酒作伴 [00:08.210]肆意喧嚣 [00:09.150]本鸡驾到 [00:09.850]老娘我就是这么辣! [00:11.310]遍观寰宇 [00:12.930]老娘最靓 [00:14.050]任意插队 [00:15.170]站在最前 [00:16.100]为所欲为 [00:17.280]肆无忌惮 [00:19.190]老娘我美到爆表! [00:20.400]哟 [00:21.210]你难道不知道这是老娘我规定的 [00:23.590]从整个澳洲到洛城 [00:25.970]老娘我到哪里 男人们也跟我去哪 [00:30.350]老娘我迷得他们神魂颠倒 [00:32.930]他只知道傻笑 却不懂老娘这是什么梗 [00:35.220]他们打得什么主意老娘都明白 [00:37.450]因为老娘来自美丽旗舰店 [00:39.810]老娘登场 [00:40.910]摇下车窗 [00:42.040]全场瞩目 [00:43.220]众人尖叫 [00:44.330]一个个争先恐后的 [00:45.440]真是搞笑 [00:46.770]就像群蜂争蜜 [00:48.330]魅惑全球 [00:50.120]热辣女孩 [00:51.300]让男孩们俯首称臣 [00:53.660]美酒作伴 [00:54.770]肆意喧嚣 [00:56.380]老娘我就是这么辣! [00:57.840]遍观寰宇 [00:59.500]我们最靓 [01:00.750]任意插队 [01:01.850]站在最前 [01:02.730]为所欲为 [01:03.830]肆无忌惮 [01:05.760]老娘我美到爆表! [01:07.040]告诉本宫 [01:07.990]这些臭男人是火星来的吗 [01:10.150]怎么各个都奇奇怪怪的 [01:12.450]每次本宫一出门就想和本宫搭讪 [01:17.300]呵呵 本宫只想赏你一仗红 [01:19.680]想蚊子一样嗡嗡的烦人 [01:22.160] 都垂涎于本宫的美色 [01:24.020]因为本宫是后宫之主 [01:26.300]本宫驾到 [01:27.440]摇下车窗 [01:28.660]全场瞩目 [01:29.770]众人尖叫 [01:30.910]一个个争先恐后的 [01:31.900]真是搞笑 [01:33.410]就像群蜂争蜜 [01:35.000]魅惑全球 [01:36.730]热辣女孩 [01:37.880]让男孩们俯首称臣 [01:40.250]美酒作伴 [01:41.430]肆意喧嚣 [01:42.960]本宫就是这么辣! [01:44.310]遍观寰宇 [01:46.110]老娘最靓 [01:47.250]任意插队 [01:48.400]站在最前 [01:49.320]为所欲为 [01:50.530]肆无忌惮 [01:52.310]本宫美到爆表! [01:54.110]本鸡不费吹灰之力就将他们迷倒 [01:56.290]本鸡是金贵之身可没空和你们瞎搅和 [01:58.210]男人们都想要本鸡和他们玩玩 [02:00.310]本鸡觉得你们傻气辣眼睛 [02:02.700]懂吗 癞蛤蟆可是吃不到天鹅肉的 [02:05.090]本鸡的巨臀肥乳 [02:06.230]可是群世界的人所爱慕的 [02:07.420]本鸡好起来让你神魂颠倒 [02:09.640]男人们都求着布娘娘玩捕捉爱的小游戏 [02:12.260]Ow! [02:13.910]我可是艺鸡 [02:19.570]布娘娘怎么了! [02:20.770]啊哈 [02:21.650]魅惑全球 [02:23.370]热辣女孩 [02:24.580]让男人们 俯首称臣 [02:26.930]美酒作伴 [02:28.020]肆意喧嚣 [02:29.670]老娘就是这么辣! [02:31.020]遍观寰宇 [02:32.730]老娘最靓 [02:35.020]任意插队 站在最前 [02:37.030]为所欲为 肆无忌惮 老娘美到爆表!


